

Nature-based 解决方案 for 海上风力发电: A Proactive Approach to 可持续性


Tetra Tech和运行的潮流讨论了如何以自然为导向的方法帮助海上风电客户对海洋健康产生积极影响,并支持区域和企业的可持续发展目标.

利乐全球最大体育平台的可持续发展和基于自然的解决方案专家杰森Coccia和合著者Adam Baske, 运行的潮流’s director of aquaculture and restoration, discuss the case for 自然的解决方案 for offshore wind projects.


Carbon has led the sustainability conversation for many years now, though a focus on nature is swiftly gaining momentum globally. 专注于以自然为导向来管理风险和机遇,并通过大量的共同利益实现可衡量的影响的商业案例正变得越来越清晰. 创建 Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)和围绕加强自然资本资产管理(除碳管理外)建立全球标准的重点工作正在迅速成为优先事项. 一个注重生物多样性和基于自然的解决方案的可持续发展战略表明了一个组织的 环境、社会和治理成熟度, as well as its ability to adapt and build 弹性 to climate and nature-related challenges, with both people and planet in mind. 在利乐全球最大体育平台, 我们利用我们的科学和工程专业知识为全球客户提供支持,为他们独特的可持续发展挑战和机遇全球最大体育平台定制解决方案.


In today’s environment, 栖息地退化和生物多样性丧失在热带地区的珊瑚礁中最为明显. More temperate regions are just as vulnerable, 如果不是这样的话, 对气候的影响, 大规模的发展, and increasing demands on wild fisheries. In the northeastern United States, fish distribution patterns, natural recruitment variability, 气候变化的压力可能会限制许多海洋资源和依赖它们的全球最大体育平台们的生产力.


联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)的最新报告清楚地概述了这一点 several well-known impacts of anthropogenic activity 跨越全球海洋. 一些主要国家的政府看到了利用基于自然的解决方案来扭转这些全球最大体育平台为影响的潜力. 保护方案, 可持续管理, 恢复经过修改的生态系统必须得到大自然的启发和支持,使它们具有复原力, 适应性强的, 和成本效益. Such solutions simultaneously provide 环境, social, and economic benefits to stakeholders.

Nature-based solutions enhance ecosystems and improve sustainability outcomes for offshore wind

In partnership with ocean health company 运行的潮流, Tetra Tech is supporting the deployment of innovative 自然的解决方案 for our offshore wind clients at speed and scale. These interventions use 技术, 工程, data, and real-time monitoring to provide a measurable, positive impact to oceanic and coastal ecosystems. They also improve coordination and collaboration among ocean-based operators and stakeholders. One example of a solution we offer is shellfish, 海草, and/or macroalgae planting for scour protection and surrounding cable-crossing areas, providing habitat enhancement and biodiversity benefits. 该解决方案还可以帮助开发全球最大体育平台员满足项目级别的缓解需求和他们的公司可持续性目标.

利乐全球最大体育平台拥有数十年的经验,支持客户实现其恢复和生物多样性的目标. 举个例子, 利乐全球最大体育平台支持路易斯安那州海岸保护和恢复局的“活海岸线示范项目”,评估在墨西哥湾沿21英里沿海边缘沼泽建立活海岸线的产品. The project resulted in enhanced coastal 弹性 to wind-wave action, stimulated oyster growth, increased biodiversity in the area, and obtained permits on schedule to complete project construction within the grant funding period.

Leveraging our suite of 利乐全球最大体育平台 技术, we provide our clients with coastal and climate change modeling, artificial intelligence, 地理信息系统, and remote sensing to simulate the impact of a changing climate on our environment. Our holistic approach to using technological, 生物, 工程解决方案使我们能够从项目全球最大体育平台到实施为客户提供支持.

运行的潮流 designs and implements nature-based interventions that rebalance Earth’s carbon cycle, decarbonize global supply chains, restore marine ecosystems, and revitalize coastal communities. 奔潮的移动贝类养殖系统船队自动化生产多种双壳类,能够为近岸和近海地区提供商业和生态系统服务价值. This solution requires a fraction of the space, labor, and materials of conventional farming. These systems use state-of-the-art 技术, including machine vision and automated sorting systems, for constant monitoring and adaptation. 奔潮还培养了一系列具有重要生态价值的大型藻类,并鼓励增强生物多样性和生态系统的恢复能力, as well as deploys a multi-pathway system for carbon removal.

在一起, 利乐全球最大体育平台和运行的潮流正在支持我们的客户超越碳排放,采取领先的自然方法来改善生态系统的健康, 管理气候风险, and realize measurable operational and community-wide impacts.

海上风电租赁区域的渲染图描绘了基于自然的解决方案的代表性替代方案,以改善栖息地,减轻开发和运营影响. These benefits may endure throughout the life of the lease, providing long-term benefits such as water quality health, biodiversity and fisheries enhancement, and carbon dioxide removal.

全球 funding for 自然的解决方案 is growing rapidly

As the deadline to meet Paris Agreement targets approaches, private and government funding has grown rapidly. The Council of the European Union (EU) recently endorsed a new EU strategy on adaptation to climate change, 呼吁采取更多基于自然的解决方案,帮助建立应对气候变化的能力,增强生物多样性. 理事会通过承诺在2026年将多年度金融框架中的生物多样性支出增加到10%来支持这一点. In the United States, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act has dedicated $47 billion for climate 弹性 projects, including nature-based infrastructure. At COP27, the Biden administration released the first strategy of its kind, the Nature-Based 解决方案 Roadmap, to scale up solutions to address habitat loss and climate change.

在一起, 利乐全球最大体育平台和运行的潮流正在支持我们的客户超越碳排放,采取领先的自然方法来改善生态系统的健康, 管理气候风险, and realize measurable operational and community-wide impacts.


Early movers can frame future standards

在海上风电开发的早期阶段整合自然包容性全球最大体育平台,为开发商提供了建设整体项目的机会,以支持积极的经济发展, 环境, 以及社会影响. 先行者可以为基于自然的海上风电解决方案标准树立先例,并确立自己在可持续发展方面的领导者地位.

利乐全球最大体育平台和运行的潮流的解决方案将帮助我们的客户主动实现关键的业务和监管可持续性目标, including net-zero commitments, 减缓气候变化, 弹性, and nature-positive targets that enhance the value and impact of offshore wind projects.


Headshot of 杰森Coccia


杰森Coccia is Tetra Tech’s director for sustainability and 自然的解决方案.

他帮助客户实现可持续发展目标,同时管理与气候变化和生物多样性丧失有关的风险. He focuses on developing comprehensive solutions that meet adaptation, 弹性, and mitigation needs while enhancing co-benefits of ecosystem services and human well-being.

他代表利乐全球最大体育平台参加了国际自然相关财务披露工作组(TNFD)论坛,并获得了世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)基于自然的解决方案标准的专业认证. 他曾帮助《全球最大体育平台》500强企业实施碳封存项目,并通过大规模的生态系统恢复来减少其他资源.

An actively licensed certified public accountant, 他拥有可持续企业工商管理硕士学位和资源生态学环境管理硕士学位.
